Ocean Sound Real Estate
is Your Gateway to Prosperity


Benefits of invest in uAE

Golden Visa Residency

Property owners and their family members are granted Golden Visa Residency permits with a minimum real estate investment of $205,000

الإقامة الذهبية

صاحب العقار وأفراد عائلته يحصلون على تصاريح الإقامة الذهبية مع استثمار عقاري بحد أدنى قدره 205,000 دولار.

Tax advantages

No property ownership tax No rental income ta
 Only 5% VAT

مزايا ضريبية

لا ضريبة على ملكية العقارات. لا ضريبة على دخل الإيجار. القيمة المضافة فقط 5٪.

High quality of life

High level of safety. Stringent legislation protecting residents’ rights Opportunity to study at top universities

جودة الحياة العالية

مستوى عالي من الأمان. تشريعات صارمة تحمي حقوق السكان. فرصة للدراسة في أفضل الجامعات.

High profitability

The average profitability from property resale ranges from 30-50%, with exceptional cases reaching up to 100% loss. Rental income from apartments depends on the area and typically ranges from 7-12% annually. Economic stability – Low inflation rate – Absence of currency control

ربحية عالية

الربحية المتوسطة من إعادة بيع العقارات تتراوح بين 30-50%، مع حالات استثنائية تصل إلى خسارة تصل إلى 100%. الدخل الإيجاري من الشقق يعتمد على المنطقة ويتراوح عادة بين 7-12% سنويًا. استقرار اقتصادي – معدل التضخم منخفض – عدم وجود رقابة على العملات

Country development prospects

The development plan of the UAE and the government’s focus are aimed at improving the quality of life and attracting an even larger number of expatriates.

آفاق تطوير البلد

خطة التطوير في الإمارات وتركيز الحكومة تهدف إلى تحسين جودة الحياة وجذب عدد أكبر من الوافدين.

Top projects

Art Bay

Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.

خليج الفن

مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. تشمل عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.

Ellington house

Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.

منزل إلينغتون

مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. تشمل عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.


Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.


مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. تشمل عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.

Hamilton house

Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.

بيت هاميلتون

مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. يشمل عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.

PAlm villas

Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.

فلل النخل

مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. تشمل عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.

Mercer house

Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.

ميرسر هاوس

مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. تتضمن عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.

What do you know about us?

At Ocean Sound Real Estate, we distinguish ourselves through an innovative and data-driven approach, catering specifically to high-profile clients within Dubai’s dynamic real estate market. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the meticulous analysis of real-time data and market trends, enabling us to provide strategic and informed solutions. Recognizing the unique needs of our discerning clientele, we offer exclusive and discreet services, ensuring confidentiality and aligning with their distinctive lifestyles. As a one-stop destination for comprehensive real estate solutions, we provide end-to- end services, from initial consultation to property acquisition, management, and beyond. Our proactive and forward-thinking mindset, coupled with cutting-edge technology, positions Ocean Sound as the trusted partner for those seeking unparalleled real estate experiences in Dubai.

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Fouad Ouakili
Company founder

Meet Fouad Ouakili, a seasoned professional with 26 years of expertise in international real estate and construction across the Middle East and Europe. Boasting an impressive Fouad has earned 137 awards & recommendations from satisfied clients as Hyundai, ALTCOM, MERAAS, SHA Wellness Clinic, Philip Morris, ACS and many others, in addition to his successful completion of over than 600 turn-key projects overall Europe and MENA region.
His strengths lie in strategic negotiations with diverse entities, contributing to successful project outcomes. A forward-thinking and adaptable leader, Fouad’s passion for excellence ensures the success in the dynamic world of international real estate and contracting.

Our Mission

Client-Centric Excellence

Client-Centric Excellence Our mission is to prioritize client needs, delivering personalized solutions and ensuring a seamless real estate experience that consistently exceeds expectations.

Innovation and Adaptability

Ocean Sound is on a mission to lead with innovation, embracing cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking strategies to position our clients for success in Dubai's dynamic real estate market.

Empowering Informed Decisions

Our mission involves empowering clients with knowledge, providing comprehensive market insights, and educational resources to instill confidence and clarity in navigating the complexities of the Dubai real estate market.

Our vision

Range of Services Offered

Our vision encompasses a diverse and comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the multifaceted needs of our clients. From residential sales and leasing to commercial real estate transactions, investment consultancy, property management, and market research, we strive to be the go-to resource for a complete suite of real estate solutions.

Transparency and Communication

We aspire to set the industry standard for transparency and communication. Our commitment to openness ensures that our clients are well-informed at every stage of their real estate journey. We prioritize clear and honest communication to foster trust and long- lasting relationships.

Data-Driven Approach

We are dedicated to leveraging a sophisticated and data-driven approach in all aspects of our operations. By harnessing the power of analytics and market insights, we empower our clients with accurate and timely information, ensuring that their decisions are well-informed and aligned with the dynamic trends of the Dubai real estate market.

Expertise and Experience

Rooted in our vision is a commitment to providing unparalleled expertise and leveraging our extensive experience in the real estate industry. Our team comprises seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge to every transaction. We believe that by combining our expertise with years of hands-on experience, we can consistently deliver exceptional results for our clients.


Services for customers


Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.

مبيعات العقارات

مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. يشمل عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.


Assisting in finding and acquiring properties that meet your requirements. The service includes a search for properties, organizing viewings during the purchase process and more.

شراء العقارات

مساعدة في البحث عن العقارات واقتنائها وفقًا لمتطلباتك. تتضمن الخدمة البحث عن العقارات وتنظيم الزيارات أثناء عملية الشراء وغيرها.


Assisting in selling properties on behalf of their owners. A sale process includes marketing, real estate appraisal, negotiations and all necessary paperwork.

تأجير العقارات

مساعدة في بيع العقارات نيابة عن أصحابها. يشمل عملية البيع التسويق وتقييم العقارات والمفاوضات وجميع الأوراق اللازمة.


We provide guidance to clients interested in real estate investments, including market analysis, investment strategies and real estate portfolio management.

نصائح الاستثمار

نقدم إرشادات للعملاء المهتمين بالاستثمار في العقارات، بما في ذلك تحليل السوق واستراتيجيات الاستثمار وإدارة محفظة العقارات.


Сonducting market research and real estate appraisals to help clients understand the value of their properties and make informed decisions about buying, selling or investing in real estate.

تقدير التكلفة

إجراء أبحاث السوق وتقييم العقارات لمساعدة العملاء على فهم قيمة ممتلكاتهم واتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن شراء أو بيع أو الاستثمار في العقارات.


We guide legal and financial aspects connected with real estate transactions, including assistance with contracts, negotiations and financing options.

المساعدة القانونية والمالية

نوجه الجوانب القانونية والمالية المتعلقة بالمعاملات العقارية، بما في ذلك المساعدة في العقود والمفاوضات وخيارات التمويل.


Represent clients’ interests and advocating their needs during real estate transactions.

تمثيل مصالح العملاء

تمثيل مصالح العملاء والدفاع عن احتياجاتهم أثناء المعاملات العقارية.


Providing full support on the way to resident’s status in Dubai. From the consultation to the preparation and submission of documents.

الحصول على الإقامة في دبي

تقديم الدعم الكامل في طريق الحصول على إقامة في دبي. بدءًا من الاستشارة إلى إعداد وتقديم الوثائق.


Providing clients with comprehensive information and guidance, ensuring a fresh start in a new environment. Supporting every step of the way to move to the UAE.

النصيحة بشأن الانتقال والعمل

تزويد العملاء بمعلومات وإرشادات شاملة، لضمان بداية جديدة في بيئة جديدة. دعم في كل خطوة على الطريق للانتقال إلى الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

Customer feedback

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